Collection's Items (Sorted by Issue Date in Descending order): 441 to 460 of 1141
Issue Date | Type | Title |
2015 | Thesis | Remittances, financial development and education in Latin America Awarded : 2015Department : KDI School, Master of Public Policy |
2015 | Thesis | Assessing tax inspection performance Awarded : 2015Department : KDI School, Master of Public Policy |
2015 | Thesis | The Impact of currency mismatch on emerging markets sovereign spread Awarded : 2015Department : KDI School, Master of Public Policy |
2015 | Thesis | Child labour prevalence in Ghana Awarded : 2015Department : KDI School, Master of Development Policy |
2015 | Thesis | Exploring and proposing a positive change on engineering education and R&D strategic alignment to foster the economic growth in Colombia Awarded : 2015Department : KDI School, Master of Development Policy |
2015 | Thesis | Imitation to innovation Awarded : 2015Department : KDI School, Master of Development Policy |
2015 | Thesis | A Comparative study on the role of institutions in promotion of foreign direct investment Awarded : 2015Department : KDI School, Master of Development Policy |
2015 | Thesis | The Impact of remittances and community capacity building on household expenditure behavior and human capital investment Awarded : 2015Department : KDI School, Master of Public Policy |
2015 | Thesis | A Study on the role of Cambodia's trade policy in poverty reduction strategy Awarded : 2015Department : KDI School, Master of Public Policy |
2015 | Thesis | A Study on corruption and entrepreneurship Awarded : 2015Department : KDI School, Master of Development Policy |
2015 | Thesis | Transportation infrastructure and economic growth in Sub-Saharan region Awarded : 2015Department : KDI School, Master of Public Policy |
2015 | Thesis | A Study on the impact of FDI on economic growth in ASEAN Awarded : 2015Department : KDI School, Master of Development Policy |
2015 | Thesis | The Role and impact of financial sector aid on financial development and poverty reduction Awarded : 2015Department : KDI School, Master of Development Policy |
2015 | Thesis | Financial deepening, investment, and growth in frontier economies Awarded : 2015Department : KDI School, Master of Development Policy |
2015 | Thesis | The Determinants and impacts of foreign direct investment on long-run growth in Jamaica Awarded : 2015Department : KDI School, Master of Development Policy |
2015 | Thesis | The Challenges of implementing active labour market policies in Cambodia Awarded : 2015Department : KDI School, Master of Public Policy |
2015 | Thesis | The Analysis of competitiveness of the products on the market of automative industry Awarded : 2015Department : KDI School, Master of Public Policy |
2015 | Thesis | Predicting financial distress Awarded : 2015Department : KDI School, Master of Public Policy |
2015 | Thesis | Impact of Korea-ASEAN FTA on the technology level of Korean manufacturing firms Awarded : 2015Department : KDI School, Master of Development Policy |
2015 | Thesis | Monetary policy and inflation dynamics in Ghana Awarded : 2015Department : KDI School, Master of Development Policy |