
Importance of management of competence in improving organization's competitiveness case of Tunisia

Trabelsi, Lassaad Ben Nouri

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The implementation of the management of competence system reveals a lot of challenges, and also shows how the system assists the development of both the individuals and the organization. To be flexible in the present and to prepare for future challenges due to the rapid change of economic; social and political environment, the
organization should make in evidence a management of competence in order to develop the knowledge, skills, abilities and aptitudes required by individuals. Today, competency models are a way of life for many business organizations. They have prolonged their pressure and influence, and are often linked and associated to a variety of Human Resource systems in a corporation counting selection, promotion, and remuneration. More than just a handful of organizations have used competency models as a basis for all HR systems. The objective of this thesis is to argue the necessity and
the importance of management of competence for both individuals and organizations and to analyze the way to implement an efficient and successful management of competence in the organizations.
I will try to clarify how Tunisian organizations put into practice the management of competences and I will identify what is the main prospect that will happen.
The focus of this research literature study centers on the following research questions:

RQ1: What are the issues of implementation of the management of competence system in the organizations?

RQ2: What is (are) the basic instrument(s) that should organizations use feasibly to put into practice the management of competence?

RQ3: What is the process that organization should follow to employ the management of competence?

RQ4: What are the difficulties of implementing the management of competence?

RQ5: What are the prospects that will happen later in the Tunisian organizations due to the completion of management of competence?

This study is based on survey questions (view annex) responded from some leader Tunisian organizations of tow leader sectors, transportation and tourism. And, to be able to gather the necessary data, I utilized in my research the descriptive method, using both
qualitative and quantitative method and instrument required for the data-gathering. The managers and employees who have been chosen in this study through the survey questionnaire assist me to evaluate the challenges and issues facing the real implementing of management of competence.

KDI School, Master of Public Policy
Issue Date
KDI School
Thesis(Master) --KDI School:Master of Public Policy,2011
iii, 91 p.
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