
A study on improvement plan of overseas business through process and issue analysis

Lee, Jeonghwan

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This research paper aims to show improvement points of K-water overseas business. In other words, this study focused on suggesting ways to improve overseas business by reviewing the risk allocation and major document issues in K-water overseas project.

This study examined the structure and major risks of overseas IPP business, as well as key issues of major contracts. IPP projects require extensive procedures and review processes from development to operation. In order to understand this, it is necessary to concretely summarize IPP business and it is necessary to organize the whole framework. In addition, based on a case study of K-water, I propose an optimized improvement plan for K-water overseas business. Therefore, this study tried to present a more realistic research plan through academic theory and practical case presentation..

Eventually, the most important thing in this study is to review the overseas IPP projects promoted by K-water, and to summarize the overseas IPP projects of K-water, which is a public corporation, based on the results. For this purpose, K-water's overseas business strategy was analyzed and SWOT analysis of K-water overseas business was conducted.

Finally, completing an overseas project is a long-term process, complex contract document, long-term negotiation and collaboration of project stakeholders. The purpose of this study was not only to suggest ways to improve K-water overseas business but also to give help to the people in charge of K-water overseas business. In addition, I want to help understand the promotion of the overseas business of the public corporation.

Lee, Seung Joo
KDI School, Master of Public Policy
Issue Date
KDI School
Thesis(Master) --KDI School:Master of Public Management,2018.
Water resources development
Water-supply - Korea (South)
1. Introduction

2. Literature review

3. Concept, Type and Procedure of IPP

4. Risk of IPP business

5. IPP business major stakeholders and Major contract issues

6. K-water’s overseas business case analysis

7. Improvement plan of K-water’s overseas business

8. Conclusion
54 p.
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