
(2012) Modularization of Korea's development experience : institutionalization of the informal credit market and financial inclusion in Korea

2012 경제발전경험모듈화사업 : 한국의 사금융 시장 양성화정책과 포용적 금융발전 경험

Kim, Joon Kyung / Kim, K. S.(Author)

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KDI School of Public Policy and Management
Economic Policy; Public investments

Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 2 Early Period of Korea’s Financial Development

 1. Colonial Legacy (1910-1945)

 2. Financial Underdevelopment (1945-1960)

Chapter 3 Relief Program (1961-1970) for High Rural Household Debt

Chapter 4 State-Controlled Financial Sector

 1. Nationalization of Banks and Emergency Financial Measure in early 1960s

 2. Interest Rate Adjustment in 1965: Walking a Tight Rope

Chapter 5 Korea’s First Corporate Debt Crisis

 1. August 3 Emergency Economic Measure in 1972

 2. Post-1972 Crisis Corporate Restructuring and Regulation of Informal Lenders

Chapter 6 Financial Inclusion and Cooperative Financial Institutions in Rural Korea

 1. Credit Unions

 2. Agricultural Cooperatives

 3. Village Cooperatives (Community Credit Cooperatives)

Chapter 7 Macro Stability, Liberalization and Decline of Informal Credit Market in the 1980s

Chapter 8 Institution of Real Name Financial System in 1993

 1. Informal Credit Markets and the Impact of the Real Name Financial Transaction System

Chapter 9 Rapid Changes in Korea’s Financial Landscape Spawn a New Generation of NBFIs: Merchant Banks and Mutual Savings Banks

 1. Merchant Banks at the Center of the 1997 Financial Storm

 2. Current Challenges Faced by MSFCs

Chapter 10 Financial Inclusion Remains a Social Issue in Korea Even Today

 1. Expansion of Consumer Credit and the Distribution of Household Wealth

 2. Consumer Loan Finance Companies and Micro Financing

Chapter 11 Role of Cooperative Financial Institutions in Today’s Era of Financial Development

 1. Changes in the Legal Regulatory Framework for CFIs

 2. Negative Impact of Policy Apathy on the Internal Governance of CFIs

Chapter 12 Conclusion

138 p.
Series Title
(KSP) Modularization of Korea's Development Experience ; v.2013-12
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