
(2013) Modularization of Korea's development experience : Korea's developmental experiences in operating competition policies for lasting economic development

2013 경제발전경험모듈화사업 : 지속적 경제성장을 위한 공정거래정책 운용 경험

Lee, Hwang / Kim, Sun Hyung / Kim, Young Jung / Jung, Woo Sik / Yun, Hyun Jung / Kang, Seon Woo / Hwang, Tae Yoon / Hong, Ji Seon(Author)

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KDI School of Public Policy and Management
Economic Policy; Public investments

Chapter 1 The Introduction of Competition Policies in Korea: Objectives and Achievements

1. Background and Objectives

2. Contribution of Competition Policies to the Development of Korea’s Market Economy

3. Achievements of Korean Competition Policies by Category

Chapter 2 The Introduction of Korean Competition Policies: Background and Necessity

1. The Process and Background of Korea’s Economic Development

2. Major Process of the Introduction of Competition Policies

3. Standards of Economic Development and Enforcement of Competition Policies

Chapter 3 The History of the Development of Korean Competition Policies

1. The Dawn of Korean Competition Policies

2. The Launch of the Korean Competition Policies (1981~1986)

3. Rise of Korean Competition Policies (1987~1994)·

4. Advancement of Korean Competition Policies (1995~1997)

5. The Financial Crisis and the Settlement of a Market Economy (1998~2007)

6. The Spread of Freedom for Market Participants (2008~)

Chapter 4 The System of Korean Competition Enforcement

1. Overview

2. The Korea Fair Trade Commission

3. Organizations Related to the KFTC

4. Prohibitions of Unfair Trade Practices

5. Restraint of Excessive Economic Concentration

6. Competition Policies for Large Conglomerate - SME Relationships - The Fair Transactions in Subcontracting Act, etc.

7. Protection and Reinforcement of Consumer Rights and Interests

Chapter 5 The Main Issues of Korean Competition Law

1. Prohibitions against Abuse of Market-dominating Positions

2. Restrictions on Business Combinations (Mergers) with Anti-competitive Effects

3. Prohibitions of Unjust Concerted Practices (Cartels)

4. Prohibitions of Unfair Trade Practices

5. Restraint of Excessive Economic Concentration

6. Competition Policies for Large Conglomerate - SME Relationships - The Fair Transactions in Subcontracting Act, etc.

7. Protection and Reinforcement of Consumer Rights and Interests

Chapter 6 The Effects of Competition Law Enforcement

1. Overview

2. Effects and Evaluation by Major Category

Chapter 7 The Implications for Developing Countries

1. Overview

2. The Progress of Korean Competition Policies

3. Implications

131 p.
Series Title
(KSP) Modularization of Korea's Development Experience ; v.2014-3
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