
(2011) Modularization of Korea's development experience : the green revolution in korea: development and dissemination of tongil-type rice varieties

2011 경제발전경험모듈화사업 : 한국의 녹색혁명 - 벼 통일형 품종의 개발과 보급

Kim, Sok-Dong / Moon, Huhn-Pal / Kim, Je-kyu / Park, Dae-Gyun(Author)

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KDI School of Public Policy and Management
Agricultural Policy


Chapter 1 Background of the Green Revolution in Korea

1. Domestic and International Food Situation

2. The Policy Background

Chapter 2 Development of Semi-dwarf High Yield Rice Variety

1. Rice Ecology in Korean Peninsula

2. Outlines of Historical Rice Varieties in Korea

3. Development of Tongil-type Rice Variety

4. Subsequent Development of Tongil-type Rice Cultivar

5. Rice Seeds Multiplication and Supply System in Korea

Chapter 3 Improvement of Cultivation Techniques for Tongil-type Rice Varieties

1. Developmental Progress of Rice Cultivation Techniques

2. Eco-physiological Characteristics of Tongil-type Rice Varieties

3. Method of Raising Seedlings

4. Changes of Seeding and Transplanting Time

5. Fertilizing and Irrigation Systems

6. Plant Protection and Weed Management

7. Improving Soil Fertility of Paddy Field

8. Post-harvest Management and Farming Mechanization

9. High-yielding Cultivation Techniques on Tongil-type Varieties

Chapter 4 Dissemination of Tongil-type Varieties and New Techniques to Farmers

1. The Dissemination System of New Technology

2. Expanded Dissemination of Tongil-type Varieties and Extension Service

3. Administrative Support for Rice Production Self-sufficiency

Chapter 5 Achievements and Impacts of the Green Revolution

1. Achievements of Green Revolution

2. Impacts of Green Revolution

Chapter 6 Implications

1. Factors Contributing to Accelerating the Green Revolution in Korea

2. Lessons of Green Revolution

3. Adaptability of the Korea’s Experience in Green Revolution to Developing Countries


178 p.
Series Title
(KSP) Modularization of Korea's Development Experience ; v.2011-14
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