
After ISO 50001 : a study on the performance and improvement of the energy management system in the water sector

Shin, Hongseob

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Today, global efforts to cope with the climate crisis make headlines. In particular, the industrial circles are making efforts to develop renewable energy sources and actively introduce energy saving technologies to reduce greenhouse gases. Among many countries, Korea''s water supply business consumes a lot of energy due to its mountainous topographical features and the use of long pipelines in the multi-regional water supply system. For this reason, K-water, which operates domestic water supply businesses, has recognized the importance of energy management early on and has implemented an energy management system in accordance with the energy management system [ISO 50001]. However, there is also skepticism that energy saving results from the introduction of ISO 50001 have never been demonstrated in detail, and that ISO is only a form of documentation or manual. Therefore, this paper attempts to verify the quantitative performance of how energy efficiency has improved since the energy management system (ISO50001) was introduced and examine the contents that need to be supplemented in order for the system to operate efficiently in reality.

Previous studies have set the requirements of ISO50001 as independent variables and verified the financial performance of energy conservation and greenhouse gas reduction as dependent variables. However, in this paper, one of the International M&V Standards and SEP M&V Protocol is used to demonstrate the energy saving and financial performance of the system. The SEP M&V protocol calculates the adjusted energy baseline of the reporting period based on the multiple linear regression method and calculates the avoided energy saving of the gap with the actual energy usage. In addition, the six ISO requirements of K-water for obtaining the ISO 50001 certification are checked, and the areas that need improvement are studied. Benchmarking the U.S. case of granting companies an energy management performance rating through state-set standards, the improvement of K-water energy performance assessment indicators is proposed. In addition to this, this paper examines the operation of domestic energy management leading enterprises and what organizational operations are needed for K-water''s energy management.

The period between 2000 and 2014 is set as the baseline period, and the dependent variable is energy consumption. The independent variables are tap water production, the advanced treatment rate, and precipitation. Each of the independent variables is confirmed to be independent through the Pearson correlation coefficient and the VIF, and R-square is 0.9823, indicating a suitability of more than 98%. Among the dependent variables, water turbidity is rejected with p values exceeding 20%, and the water level at the intake station is rejected beyond the engineering validity criteria. The linear regression equation is Y=1.113287X1+0.3546334X2-0.0729407X3-3.127904, and the result of verification according to this model points to 226GWh of energy savings with 3.2% of energy performance rate from 2015 to 2019. The annual savings are around 4.5 billion won, and the annual greenhouse gas reduction is found to be 2.1 billion won. Apart from this, the review of the suitability of K-water''s energy performance assessment indicators currently in use concluded that it is an unsuitable evaluation method for most water purification plants and water intake plants. Consequently, to supplement the existing evaluation method, this paper presents an energy management readiness assessment table to K-water and domestic waterworks operators by benchmarking the score cards of the U.S. energy management performance rating system in proposing suitable energy performance assessment indicators for water projects. Through this, more scientific energy impact on factor management is expected.

Furthermore, the review of the requirements in ISO 50001 suggests two ISO integrative certifications to address the issue of redundancy due to the high overlap with ISO 140001 and proposed an organizational institution that reflects the characteristics of K-water, a renewable energy producer and large energy consumer. As a result of studying the case of domestic energy leading companies, P and I, the unification of energy decision making is emphasized, and the establishment of an energy committee is needed. It is necessary to create a management goal in which greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption indicators are linked through the energy committee, and to pool companies’ capabilities in coordinating opinions from energy production and consumer departments and responding to climate change. Overall, this will enable K-water to play a pivotal role in responding to the domestic climate crisis along with the Ministry of Environment.

Lee, Junesoo
KDI School, Master of Public Policy
Issue Date
KDI School
Thesis(Master) --KDI School:Master of Public Management,2021.
Water resources development
Renewable energy sources
Industries - Energy conservation - Standards
I. Introduction

II. Literature Review

III. Energy Management System for Regional Water Supply in Korea

IV. Energy Performance Evaluation

V. Complementation of ISO50001 Requirements Standards

VI. Conclusion
47 p.
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