
Revising market efficiency

a case study of the mongolian stocks market - top listed 20 companies stocks

JARGALSAIKHAN, Erdenechuluun

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The paper is about the proof on whether the Mongolian Stock Exchange (MSE) series of return is independent and ensure the random walk model. It is a significant issue because the information gap is a vital factor influencing the investment decision-making for market makers. The majority of research is focused on developed countries, mainly Europe and the USA market. There is a need for further studies in new and developing markets, such as the Mongolian Stock exchange (MSE), one of the representatives of the emerging markets. Therefore, this study attempts to fill both gaps by providing evidence on the implementation—or lack thereof—of EMH and contributing to the literature on stocks market transparency in developing countries. The study consists of the empirical analysis and real-time trading stock on the Mongolian stock market by studying the event study approach based on the chosen listed company. If the returns are predictable, rational investors will exploit the profit opportunities. The study’s finding supports the policy recommendation’s implication for the market participants and regulatory agency to launch a web- based electronic registration system. Through this research, a beta version of the Information Disclosure System is developing.

Choi, Tae-Hee
KDI School, Master of Public Management
Issue Date
KDI School
Thesis(Master) -- KDI School: Master of Public Management, 2021
Stock exchanges--Mongolia; Stocks--Mongolia
1. Introduction

2. Literature review

3. Background

4. Theory

5. Analysis

6. Result

7. Conclusio
41 p
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