
Investigating Human Capital Development in Globalized Environment: Effects of Higher Education at KDIS

Cho, Yoon Cheong

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The purpose of this study: Various studies have examined the impacts of the academic achievement and performance of international students, while most of papers focused on shortterm effects. Previous studies also focused on academic performance of international students from countries such as China and Japan in U.S. and U.K. KDI school of public policy and management have performed exit survey each year that mainly analyzed the short-term impact, while long-term effects have rarely examined. The purpose of this study is to investigate longterm academic effects of international students in globalized environment. By classifying effects, this study expects to investigate effects on work, effects on globalization, and effects on hosting country.

Research questions: This study applied research questions as follows: i) how international graduates perceive application at work, improvement on work/organization/system, performance assessment, self-confidence, and use of network affect job satisfaction; ii) how international graduates perceive leadership skills, policy improvement, and improved public diplomacy affect perception of global leader; iii) how international graduates’ perceived affection, cognition, and behavior about hosting country affect improved image of Korea; and iv) how perceived social responsibility and global competence of international graduates affect perception of globalization?

Methodology: This study collected both qualitative and quantitative data. For quantitative data, this study distributed online survey to all alumni of KDI School. Data Analysis: For qualitative data, this study conducted in-depth and focus group interview. For quantitative research, this study applied factor, regression analysis, and structural equational modeling. For qualitative research, this study applied NVivo and Leximancer.

Results: For mediated effects, the study found that effects of improvement on work, performance assessment, self-confidence, and use of network showed significant on job satisfaction. The effect size was greater with self-confidence on job satisfaction. For long-term effects, the study found that effects of leadership skills, policy improvement, and public diplomacy showed significant on global leader. The study also found that effects of social responsibility and global competence showed significant on globalization. Results of this study also found that affective, cognitive, and behavioral components significantly affect attitude toward the Korea. Major variables found from quantitative research showed consistency with qualitative research.

Implications: The results of this study confirmed the role of KDIS’s academic empowerment in global environment. The results also implied how human capital development in global environment plays key role to enhance image of hosting country.

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KDI School of Public Policy and Management
Human Capital Development; Higher Education; KDIS; Job Satisfaction; Leadership; Globalization
Series Title
Development Studies Series DP 20-02
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