
A Study on the analysis of the success factors of collaborative governance and a plan for activation

focusing on the case of improving the water environment of Bohyeonsan dam through residents' participation

BAIK, Mina

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As civil society grows and civil consciousness matures, citizens' desire to participate in politics and their expectations for the government have risen rapidly across the world. Now, citizens are not just objects to governing or the policy beneficiaries, as they actively participate and collaborate in the entire stage of policy. The main form in which this is realized is "governance". Since the 2000s, research and application of collaborative governance have been actively conducted, and practical communication and active participation of stakeholders is considered important, and in particular, active interest and participation of citizens are the most important. This is because citizens' participation leads to practical communication between the government and the people, and increases the acceptance of the policy and reliability of the government, which determines the success of the policy. In addition, due to the scalability of mutual communication and trust-building, this collaborative governance enables the establishment of a friendly support base in the mid to long term, and in that respect, it is also linked to customer relationship management. As the government confirmed the unification of water management in 2018 in South Korea, K-water has expanded its business area from the existing management of water quantity to water quality and ecosystem. Accordingly, K-water has intended to attempt various measures in the Bohyeonsan Dam as a testbed of the enhancement of the water environment in the upper stream basin of the Dam and included measures involving residents of the upper stream basin. Bohyeonsan Dam governance is highly praised not only in K-water internal performance evaluation but also externally as it has shown that residents have been directly participating in the implementation of the water environment. This study analysed the success factors of collaborative governance through the case of Bohyeonsan Dam Governance, which is the first case where residents have participated in improving the water environment of the upper stream basin of the Dam in K-water. After constructing an analysis frame deductively from common success factors presented in previous studies on collaborative governance such as Ansell & Gash (2008), I would like to apply it to the Bohyeonsan Dam governance case, and also derive additional success factors. Based on the success factors derived from Bohyeonsan Dam governance, I would like to emphasize the residents' participation, and also presented measures to revitalize collaborative governance at the K-water site for sustainable win-win development with residents.

Kim, Dong-Young
KDI School, Master of Public Management
Issue Date
KDI School
Thesis(Master) -- KDI School: Master of Public Management, 2022
Water quality management--Korea (South); Water resources development--Korea (South)
1. Introduction

2. The theoretical background of collaborative governance and participatory governance

3. Review of Prior Studies on collaborative governance.

4. Study method and study design

5. Case Analysis: the Bohyeonsan Dam collaborative governance

6. How to apply and activate K-water on-site governance

7. Conclusion
49 p
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