2018 |
Capstone |
A game-theoretic analysis of Inter-Korean transboundary rivers Kim, Sungyun Publisher : KDI School |
2018 |
Capstone |
Economic value of domestic water supply in Republic of Korea Hwang, Jongin Publisher : KDI School |
2018 |
Capstone |
Drink tap water or not? Jeong, Gonsung Publisher : KDI School |
2018 |
Capstone |
Implementing government reforms Benitez, Gustavo Adolfo Publisher : KDI School |
2018 |
Capstone |
Analytic hierarchy process-based approach for water use priority determination Kang, Dongwon Publisher : KDI School |
2018 |
Capstone |
A study on the cooperation of water-energy trade in transboundary river of South and North Korea Cha, Jongman Publisher : KDI School |
2018 |
Capstone |
Sustainable change Carvalho, Allan Rodrigues De Publisher : KDI School |
2018 |
Capstone |
A study on policy proposals for expansion of solar photovoltaic system based on CBA and LCOE analysis in South Korea Choi, Seungbong Publisher : KDI School |
2018 |
Capstone |
Empirical analysis of the efficiency in local waterworks Yun, Youngmin Publisher : KDI School |
2018 |
Capstone |
A study on integrated function and value enhancement of national water resources facilities Choi, Yongjin Publisher : KDI School |
2018 |
Capstone |
Policy improvement for promotion of urban water circulation Yang, jungwon Publisher : KDI School |
2018 |
Capstone |
The development and application of urban water cycle health assessment model Cha, Byungsuk Publisher : KDI School |
2018 |
Capstone |
A study on social sustainability in urban development Park, Bojeong Publisher : KDI School |
2018 |
Capstone |
The Improvement of dam construction and maintenance through the 4th industrial revolution technologies Kim, Hyunseok Publisher : KDI School |
2018 |
Capstone |
A study on water resources facilities management strategy based on climate change risk assessment Song, Woojin Publisher : KDI School |
2018 |
Capstone |
A study on analysis and application of water management based on big data Kim, Seonju Publisher : KDI School |
2018 |
Capstone |
Correlation between sedimentation tank design parameter and sedimentation efficiency Son, Jaehyun Publisher : KDI School |
2018 |
Capstone |
A study on improvement plan of overseas business through process and issue analysis Lee, Jeonghwan Publisher : KDI School |
2018 |
Capstone |
A study on the cooperative plan of water resources field between South Korea and North Korea Jin, Seongwon Publisher : KDI School |
2018 |
Capstone |
Performance evaluation of emergency water supply system in Korea HONG, Jaechang Publisher : KDI School |