
(2012) Modularization of Korea's development experience : white revolution of agriculture in korea: the achievement of year-round production and distribution of horticultural crops by the expansion of greenhouse cultivation

2012 경제발전경험모듈화사업 : 한국 농업의 백색혁명

Seo, Hyo Duk / Kang, Sang Heon / Kim, Kwang Yong / Kim, Hoi Tae / Kang, Sang Jo(Author)

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KDI School of Public Policy and Management
Agricultural Policy; Public investments
Chapter 1 Introduction

1. Correlation between Increase in Protected Cultivation Area and That in the National Income

2. Change in Eating Habit and Increase in Vegetable Consumption

3. The Conversion from Open Field to Greenhouse Cultivation

4. The Structure and Material Improvement of Greenhouses

Chapter 2 Policies for Nurturing Greenhouse Horticulture and Related Industries

1. Increase in National Income by Successful Five-year National Economic Development Plan

2. Integration of Increasing Income Program for Farmers and Fishers and the New Community Movement

3. Nurturing of Greenhouse-related Industries and Expansion of Cultivation under Structure

4. Development of New Varieties for Greenhouse Cultivation

Chapter 3 The Development of New Technologies Leading ‘White Revolution’

1. Standardization and Modernization of Greenhouses

2. Setting Criteria of Safety in Greenhouses for Horticulture Crops

3. Development of Energy Saving Greenhouse Technology

4. Development of Subsidiary and Labor-saving Automated Facilities

5. Establishing Year-round Mass Production System of Standard Seedlings

6. Development of Hydroponic System for Year-round, Stable Production

7. Establishing Appropriate Environment for Greenhouse Production

8. Improving Soil Environment within Greenhouses

Chapter 4 Dissemination of New Greenhouse Technologies to Farmers

1. The Spread of White Revolution and the New Community Movement

2. Training Course for Farmers by Rural Development Administration

3. The Dissemination of Protected Horticulture Technology to the Farmers through Research Institutes

Chapter 5 The Effects of ‘White Revolution’ and Changes in Protected Horticulture Industry

1. The Current Status of Protected Cultivation in Korea

2. Expansion of Protected Cultivation Areas and Changes in Crops Cultivated under Structure

3. Income Increase of Farmers Growing Horticultural Crops under Structure

4. Problems in Protected Horticulture and Its Improvement Plans of Korea

Chapter 6 The Implication of ‘White Revolution’ and Overseas Distribution of Protected Horticultural Technologies

1. Suggestions from ‘White Revolution’of Agriculture in Korea

2. Dissemination of Korea’s Protected Horticulture Technologies in the World

3. Expansion of Korean Protected Horticulture Industry across the World
164 p.
Series Title
(KSP) Modularization of Korea's Development Experience ; v.2013-20
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